

Arctium lappa

Many properties have been ascribed to burdock, and it’s one of the most widely used roots in alternative medicine, usually consumed as a tea, tincture or powder supplement. Burdock is a rich source of plant sugars, flavonoids, minerals, tannins and proteins, all of which work together to help soothe and condition skin in cosmetic products. Thanks to its essential oils and lipids content, the woody looking root is equally nourishing in hair and scalp products and can help to reduce sebum production and prevent dandruff.

Ključne prednosti

  • Čičak je izuzetno pročišćavajući i hidratantni.

  • Pomaže u postizanju kože bez nesavršenosti i neželjenog sjaja, zahvaljujući antibakterijskim svojstvima.

  • U njezi kose, čičak pomaže u smanjenju stvaranja sebuma za čisto i zdravo vlasište.

Čičak sadrži polisaharidni spoj inulin poznat po antibakterijskim svojstvima te stoga pomaže u uklanjanju nesavršenosti kože i matiranju tena.

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